Here is the 'Straight Talker', Jedi Master Yaddle's lightsaber from the Tales of the Jedi animated series.
This saber was designed and engineered by Jimmy's Saber Junk, and manufactured by Saberbay.
The hilt is accurate to what we see shown in the TV series based on screenshots of Yaddle using her lightsaber.
Fully CNC machined, the saber features a brushed aluminum finish, with matte black anodizing, and a single brass actuator.
Hilt kits will come as empty sabers, complete with a custom collector's box designed by Christian Cruz, as well as a blade retention wrench.
Hilt size and features:
Empty hilt weight: 5.5 ounces
Total hilt length: 6.25 inches
Blade emitter size: 7/8" blade
Single brass button actuator
Hilt comes apart at the pommel, and emitter, and the main body is one solid piece. The pommel has a hidden retention screw that can be used for chassis alignment and retention for DIY install purposes.